As you go

In this blog, we explore the opportunities that exist in everyday life and how we can help point our kids to Jesus as we go through life.

There’s a fleeting phrase in Matthew 10:7 where Jesus says:

‘And as you go, proclaim the message.’

At the Kitchen Table Project, we also talk about Deuteronomy 6:6-7, where Moses instructs the Israelites that ‘these commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.’

Sharing the gospel, faith and God’s love with our children happens ‘as we go.’ As we go about everyday life – eating meals, chatting and having fun. God is part of it all and there will often be small moments that will highlight simple opportunities to help our children see something of Jesus.

Recently our church had a 40 day period of prayer and fasting. The church had produced a booklet and I showed it to my children and explained what it was and what we would be doing. It suddenly occurred to me that they might never have heard of fasting. It’s one of those things that doesn’t come up in conversation too often, and a practice that I’ll admit isn’t a very regular part of my faith. And if I were to fast, it’s probably not something I would talk about publicly.

So I asked my children, aged nine and ten, if they knew what fasting was. The response was fascinating.

‘Yes, that’s what Muslims do for Ramadan. We can’t do that – we’re not Muslim!’

Aside from being impressed with the retention of information from RE in school, I realised they were learning about spiritual practices of other religions, but we hadn’t taught them that fasting is also talked about in the Bible.

I’ll admit there was an initial moment of guilt – wow, had I really omitted to talk about something that is so clearly in the gospels? But then I realised that simple conversation had become a teaching moment – as we went about our day.

It’s those small moments, conversations and simple, everyday tasks that Jesus wants us to use.

“As you go, proclaim the message.”


Check out these ideas for ‘as you go’ moments that could be amazing opportunities to share faith with your children. It’s got five sections and a bunch of ideas for each of them:

  • As you go to eat
  • As you go out
  • As you go to bed
  • As you go to church
  • As you go around the house

Download the pdf now.

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