Be Refreshed – Day 13


by Cathy Madavan


Psalm 103

For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us (vs11-12).


I have a theory that many parents feel plagued with high doses of guilt. I certainly have been. I have felt guilty about bottle feeding, nappy choices, reading levels, time spent at home, time spent at work, not praying with my children enough and lack of dress-up day creativity. You name it, I have guilt for it.

And along the way, like every parent, I’ve made some bad mistakes as well as enjoying some wonderful moments. It’s funny; today, my youngest daughter has left compulsory full time education for good and she has merrily gone camping while I sit here wondering where the last two decades have gone, with more than a few regrets.

My challenge is to forgive myself as God forgives me when I go to him.


This psalm contains the beautiful verse, “The Lord … who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.” These words are a powerful reminder that there is always a way back with God. No matter how wrong we get it or how ashamed we feel, he can redeem us and put us right with him. He also helps us to build bridges and to love others, forgiving them as he has forgiven us.

I wonder what “pits” you might need to be pulled out of, or what mistakes you might need to bring to God today?


The good news is that God promises to remove our transgressions once and for all. This matters to us as parents, but also to our children. They need to know they can have a fresh start when they get it wrong; learning from their mistakes and knowing God’s grace to move on is a real blessing for young life. It is good news for them that they are not disqualified from partnering with God, and neither are we. We all fail sometimes but we are not therefore failures. God is too compassionate to leave us in the pit – he removes our sins forever, because of Jesus’ sacrificial love for us.


Where do you need to confess and receive forgiveness today? Do you regularly come before God to ask him to remove your transgressions so that you can live in his grace?

How can we help children to know they have done something wrong without leaving them feeling condemned? Can we model more of God’s truth and forgiveness in our home?


Catch up on the rest of Be Refreshed on the blog.

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