Inspire passes the ‘child-friendly’ test!

Mum Lizzy, tells us about her experience running Inspire.

What an amazing opportunity I’ve had this past week to encounter the Inspire session from Care for the Family!

I loved the chance to invite some friends from my local church to get together for an evening, enjoy a catch up and be encouraged and challenged by the material in the session. I kept it simple, just sending a text invitation out to a handful of mums I know, explaining the topic and that the session seeks to enable us as parents to play our part in building a faith that lasts in our children.

Life for me is pretty packed, so the fact that the material was so easy to deliver without needing hours of background preparation was a definite bonus. In my living room, two of my children (that totally should have been in bed!) tested the “child friendly” format, and it most definitely passed!

The session really encouraged us all by highlighting the day to day things that we are already doing to build foundations of faith for our children, simple things that I had never before connected to being meaningful spiritually. I loved the discussion time and was definitely inspired hearing the thoughts and perspectives of other Christian parents.

We absolutely felt empowered to declutter life a little more, to have the quality time with our children individually and make the most of opportunities to discuss and demonstrate faith with them. I am so grateful and can’t wait for the next one!

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"It was so good to talk to other mums who are struggling with the same things as me."

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