Simple moments

Becky reminds us of those simple moments that offer wonderful opportunities with our children.

I am snatching a few minutes to write because I wanted to share this little encouragement that struck me. I love the idea of nurturing my children’s faith, but in reality life is so busy and as much as I want to be intentional, I get to the end of the day and wonder where the time has gone. Today, I was reminded that it’s all about looking for the opportunities that already exist during the day, rather than feeling I have to try to create new ones.

My boys, aged five and seven, came home from school excited about their theme at school: Space. They were bursting to tell me about how enormous the Milky Way is, how Earth is a tiny speck in comparison to Jupiter and that there are billions of stars and galaxies in the universe.

And there it was! A perfect opportunity to bring God into the conversation. We talked about how God is a wonderful creator and I just sat back and listened, as they made the connection between the story of creation they had heard before and this new and exciting topic they were learning about in school. It really was so amazing to see them suddenly realise ‘WOW! God is even bigger than all that!’ And then the moment passed, and they moved on to playing/fighting, while I tried to start making dinner and all the other bits that needed doing. But I was left smiling, hoping and praying that these little connections they were making would help their faith to grow.

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