Teachable moments at Christmas: Preparation

Bringing Jesus into Christmas seems obvious. Every year the Christmas season hits and I think, ‘this year, we’ll do an advent devotional every day. We’ll think more about others and I’ll really help my children see the true meaning of Christmas.’

And every year I try. We start off ok but then life happens and expectations shatter. We miss days, we get tired and grumpy, and we forget the deadline to get the shoebox of gifts in. Or maybe you’re someone who manages to do it all, but are slightly stressed by the end of it!

So this year, rather than just trying to do those things (all of which are good, and I’ll probably still try!), we’re looking for ways to see Jesus in everything that we’re already doing.

I love preparing for Christmas. There’s something about decorating the Christmas tree, cleaning the house and sorting through old toys to make space for new ones that brings a sense of anticipation.

And while we’re doing those things as a family we’ve got opportunities to share about Jesus. I know one family who always tell the story of Jesus’ birth while they are putting up the tree. When we’re thinking about what toys the kids have outgrown we ask them to think about who they could pass them on to, or a charity shop that would benefit from them.

And in preparing for Christmas there’s an opportunity to prepare our hearts to receive from God too. Taking time to pray that this Christmas season would be different – and rather than cram lots more in, we’d make the most of the teachable moments in the everyday chaos and fun of the build up to Christmas.

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