Teachable moments at Christmas: Resting

I don’t know about you, but even when the excitement of Christmas is over, my house can still be in absolute chaos for days afterwards.

Games, toys and books are everywhere and chocolate is being consumed at all times of day. Pyjamas are the normal dress code (at least before lunchtime!) and the dust is definitely gathering behind the decorations that have now been up for a month.

I love the run up to Christmas, but the aftermath and lack of routine can sometimes feel like a bit of an anti-climax. Taking time out to rest is so good for us and this is a great opportunity to talk to our children and remind ourselves about the importance of the Sabbath. We can talk about the creation story and about how God took the seventh day to rest, reflect and enjoy all the good that had happened in the previous six days. If God needed to do that, then how much more do we need to do the same? We can also encourage our children to talk about the different things that they have been thankful for over this Christmas period.

So, as we continue with the festive celebrations this week, let’s remember to take time to rest too, following the example that God himself gave us.

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