What time works for you?

We love it when people share their personal stories of how inspiring faith in their children has developed over time. Check out this idea from one mum and her son Charlie.

I am a Christian single mum of a six year old boy Charlie. About three years ago (I think!) I realised that having Bible/prayer time in the evening wasn’t really working for us as a family. I was so tired that I found myself just trying to get it over with, rather than being able to enjoy and treasure the moment.  It was all a bit much alongside dinner, bath time, bedtime, etcetera!

So we decided to start doing it first thing in the morning instead. My son loved it and immediately gave it a name: ‘Charlie and Mummy time.’ It quickly became part of our routine and even now we rarely go a day without doing it!

It consists of Bible reading and prayer, as well as me reading a book to him and him reading a book to me (not necessarily Christian). It’s a great time for chatting about all things big and small! It gets the day off to a good start and is great for our relationship, and by God’s grace, will be a good routine to get him into for life.

‘In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; In the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.’ Psalm 5:3

It’s so good to hear how mornings have been working for Charlie and his mum. Don’t be put off if mornings are hectic in your house and you can’t fit that in to your everyday. The important thing to remember is that every family is unique! Mornings or evenings will work for some, and car journeys, school walks and bedtime will work for others.

It’s all about discovering what works for you and your child!

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"It was so good to talk to other mums who are struggling with the same things as me."

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