Inspire online

If you’d like to run the Inspire session online using a video platform like Zoom, then we’ve got a shorter guide so that the session only takes 1 hour.

It also includes amended discussion questions that you can use in follow on sessions that are specific to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Inspire online is a great way to engage parents together, without the need for babysitters! Check out the Care for the Family guide to running courses online if you’d like some tips too. Everything you need is free to download below.

We’d love to know if you run a session; please drop us an email or message us on Facebook. You can also give feedback on the session which would be really helpful to us – thank you.

Get started now!

You don’t have to give your details, but as this is a new resource it would be really helpful if we could follow up with you to see what you thought of the materials. We won’t contact you for other purposes unless you tick the box below to say you’d be happy for us to send you further information.

Inspire download

Inspire session video

Hear from Andy Frost and Becky Denharder as they explore how parents can build faith in the everyday.

Watch now

Extra discussion questions

These questions are a great tool to help start practical discussion. They’re perfect to use if you’d like to meet up again too, and give some great ideas to try.


Download all group leader's resources

Download all the resources together. The folder includes:

  • Leader’s guide
  • Extra discussion questions
  • Focus question slides
  • Links and ideas to post in the chat



Running an online course

Brand new guide on how to effectively run a course online – have a look now.


Free book!

It would be really helpful to hear your thoughts on the Inspire session once you’ve run it. If you could take a moment to come back and give feedback we’d love to send you a free copy of Raising Faith.

Thank you so much!

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