Inspire session

Inspire is an easy-to-run small group discussion to start us thinking about how to build faith in our children. It’s designed to be a fun, relaxed and interactive format allowing parents to share ideas and experiences.

All the materials are free to download – you just need a group of mums and dads, and off you go!

Download Inspire Online – 1 hour session resources

Download the full 90 minute session resources

What happens at Inspire?

A few mums, dads, carers and others get together at someone’s home or church. There are two short five minute video clips that help introduce the topic and what the Bible says about faith at home, and the leader’s guide gives some questions to help you discuss your thoughts and experiences.

The questions help to get you thinking about why it’s important to share our faith with our children at home.

You can then choose from a pack of 28 questions that help you to think about specific examples of how we can do this more intentionally in the everyday things of life, and what would work best for your family. There are enough questions that you could meet up again to talk through more if you’d like to!

Who is it for?

Inspire is for all mums and dads, whether they are parenting together, alone or as a stepfamily, with birth children or those who are adopted or fostered. The session is primarily aimed at parents of children under 11, but can also be used for parents with older children as well.

You may find that others wish to attend too! That could include grandparents or other members of the wider family, godparents or children’s leaders.

Who can run Inspire?

Anyone! The Inspire session encourages parents to share ideas and support each other, so whether you are a parent or not, everyone is learning together. You are not expected to be an expert or have all the answers, but simply to be the person to help start this conversation.

How do I start?

It’s easy to get going with Inspire!

  1. Download our leader’s guide, video and discussion cards. (or get the online version here.)
  2. Invite a small group of parents to your home or church for a couple of hours. We’ve got personal invites you can download and send out too!
  3. Feedback from your group is so important to us. You can download and print feedback forms for your group, or direct your group to complete this short survey online here.
  4. Enjoy learning together and start talking about how we can inspire faith in our children at home.

After Inspire

After the Inspire session, it can be really good to keep meeting up with parents, maybe monthly – just to keep this conversation about faith at home going.

We have some short five minute videos and discussion questions available each month to help facilitate this.

Have a look now.

Or you could go more in-depth and use the Raising Faith Sessions – six sessions to help you explore how to help your children grow in faith.


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Run an Inspire session or follow us on social media. Let’s do this together!

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